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IDEGM-HR-04NameNew Board Member of EGM
Revision3Approved BySéamus Daly
Approved Date01/02/2024Review Date2025

References & Definitions

East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support: EGM
EGM-MA-01 Master List of Policies and Procedures

AGREEMENT dated the ______ day of the month ____________ of the year 20______

MADE BETWEEN East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support having its registered office at Le Chéile, Brackernagh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway (hereinafter called “the Company”) of the one part and

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Street ______________________________________________________________________________________

Town: ______________________________________________________________________________________

County: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Eircode: ___________________________________

Home phone: ____________________________________________________

Mobile Phone: ___________________________________________________

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

I.C.E Contact Name: _____________________________________________

I.C.E Contact Number: ___________________________________________

Date of Birth: ______ / ______ / ______
(hereinafter called “the Director”) of the other part.


  1. The Company is involved in the promotion of activities in the field of Cancer care, including Practical, Emotional and Social support, to patients and their families within the Galway, Midlands and all regions of the country of Ireland where people approach us looking for help, and in activities ancillary thereto which may from time to time be undertaken by the Company.
  2. The Company wishes to appoint ______________________________ (name) as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company and he/she has agreed so to act.

IT IS AGREED as follows:

  1. The Director agrees to act as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company on and from the
    _____ / _____ / _____ (date) and shall continue thereafter until his/her membership of the Board shall be terminated in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company or by reason of the retirement, resignation, incapacity or death of the Director.
  2. As a Director of the Company, the Director shall:
    (a) Comply with the Code of Practice for Board Members of the Company (reference EGM-HR-02);
    (b) Undertake such duties and exercise such powers in relation to the Company and its business as the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”) shall from time to time assign to or vest in him/her;
    (c) In the discharge of such duties and in the exercise of such powers observe and comply with all resolutions, regulations and directions from time to time made or given by the Board.
  3. The Director shall not, either during his/her membership of the Board or thereafter, save in the proper course of his/her duties as Director, divulge to any person, persons or Company any of the business, finances, transactions or affairs of the Company or any of its employees which may come to his/her knowledge during his/her membership of the Board and shall keep with complete secrecy all confidential information entrusted to him/her and shall not use or attempt to use any such information in any manner which may injure or cause loss either directly or indirectly to the Company or to the Board or to the members of the Company or may be likely to do so. This restriction shall continue to apply after the termination of this agreement without limit in point of time but shall cease to apply to information or knowledge within the public domain.
  4. The Director shall not during the continuance of this agreement make, otherwise than for the benefit of the Company, any notes or memoranda relating to any matter within the scope of the dealings or affairs of the Company nor shall the Director either during the continuance of this agreement or afterwards use or permit to be used any such notes or memoranda otherwise than for the benefit of the Company, it being the intention of the parties hereto that all such notes or memoranda made by the Director shall be the property of the Company and shall be left at its registered office upon the termination of the Director’s membership of the Board.
  5. The Director shall inform the Board of any interest that the Director or any close family member may have which is in any way related to or in competition with the activities of the Company and which may create or has the potential to create a conflict of interest for the Director and shall resign from the Board if, in the opinion of a majority of the members of the Board, there is undue potential for a conflict of interest.
  6. The Director agrees to become a member of the Company, such membership to run concurrently with his membership of the Board.


  • I am not disqualified from acting as a charity trustee.
  • I have not been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty (or any such conviction is legally regarded as spent).
  • I have not been involved in tax fraud.
  • I am not an undischarged bankrupt.
  • I have not made compositions or arrangements with my creditors from which I have not been discharged.
  • I have not been removed from serving as a charity trustee, or been stopped from acting in a management position within a charity.
  • I have not been disqualified from serving as a Company Director.
  • I will at all times seek to ensure the charity’s funds, and charity tax reliefs received by this organisation, are used only for charitable purposes.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / 20____

Office Use Only

  •  Director Entered into Database
  • Director # from Database __________________
  •  Garda Vetting received for Director
  •  Database Updated with Garda Vetting Receipt
  •  Domain account created for Director by IT