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ID EGM-AC-01 Name Financial & Accouting Management Revision 4 Approved By Jacqueline Daly Approved Date 01/06/2024 Review Date 2025 References & Definitions East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support: EGMEGM-MA-01 Master List of Policies and Procedures Purchases / Creditors When the… Read More »EGM-AC-01


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ID EGM-AC-03 Name Petty Cash Management Revision 4 Approved By Anna Obara Approved Date 01/06/2025 Review Date 2025 References & Definitions East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support: EGMEGM-MA-01 Master List of Policies and Procedures Securing the petty cash account The… Read More »EGM-AC-03


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ID EGM-AC-02 Name Fundraising Management Revision 5 Approved By Brian Eccles Approved Date 01/06/2024 Review Date 2025 References & Definitions East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support: EGMEGM-MA-01 Master List of Policies and Procedures Core Principles EGM and its Fundraising Volunteers… Read More »EGM-AC-02